Show and NOT tell; Architecture Week - Wed...
Wednesday is day three of Architecture Week. Are you sick of it yet?!? Me neither.
Today’s installment of the obscure, infamous, or interesting is Spaceport America in New Mexico. This project is the product of collaboration between Virgin Galactic, Foster+Partners, SMPC Architects, and URS Corporation.
Personally, I like the concept as it appeals to my “Star Trek TNG” sensibilities. However I leave it to the market to show whether privately funded space travel is economically viable, or not.
The diagram above is interesting, and annotated well but I’m still skeptical.
Exploded program.
Alien space ship?
Site Plan.
I’m not seeing the “cooling labyrinths” shown in the first diagram. Perhaps their buried inside the earthen berms.
Maybe those holes in the retaining wall are the cooling intakes?
Clear image of volume relative to earthen mass.
What’s on your list of obscure, interesting architecture? Leave a comment.