
Showing posts from 2012


that’s what the recent century that I rode around Lake Tahoe was like. I couldn’t have dreamt better weather, and our entire team rode swift and strong. With no official time goal other than completion before course closure (roughly 12 hours or 6am to 6pm), and since I’m mad, and afflicted with cycling sickness , I set a personal goal of six hours. Don’t let me fool you, it’s not as aggressive as it sounds. While it certainly is challenging given the topography, it’s not impossible.

Rookie marks...

I’m on a plane, bound for Tahoe to ride a century. For those wondering what that is; it’s a 100 mile road race/ride on a bicycle (yes, completed in one day). If you’ve read my profile, you already know that I enjoy cycling. Immensely. If you haven’t read my profile, you know now - ‘cause I just said as much. Cycling is awesome! I enjoy it at least as much as I enjoy architecture (more so even) because cycling works my body, like architecture works my brain. If it’s not obvious, I intentionally use the term “cycling” in lieu of “bicycle riding” in an attempt to convey relative intensity. I break it down like so:

Poetry month…

It’s already April (25 to be exact) and I’m late for this party. No matter, poetry harbors no schedule, and that’s one reason it’s so awesome. There are other reasons this is so; Poetry is the literature of everyman - anyone can write it; Poetry need not follow “top down” writing conventions - it has a rebellious nature that attracts me; Poetry spawns easily in the mind, when the mind is open to free association - which is habitually so for mine.